WCPCC 2020 Cancelled

We have decided to cancel this year’s West Coast Pervious Concrete Conference 2020 in light of the current shifts away from in-person get-togethers for the spring. We have made arrangements to hold the next First Ever West Coast Pervious Concrete Conference in 2021! We have reserved the same world class facility at Cal Poly Pomona, with accommodation for both Friday night and Saturday nights!

The new dates are April 16 to April 18, 2021. April 16 is a Friday, to accommodate for people arriving from out of town. We will have a Welcome Dinner to allow for early catching up, decompressing and getting settled before we dive in Saturday morning, April 17! Saturday night will have a fantastic banquet with speakers and awards, and Sunday we will dive back in to presentations, and demonstrations to round out the weekend.

We still have spots for demonstrations and speaking, so if you have a story to tell, a discovery to share, or a data set to explain, we want it! Please get in touch with Lauren and you will be in the roster faster then you can finish hanging up the phone!


WCPCC at WOC - June 8-10