About the WCPCC

There have been some fantastic gatherings for pervious concrete fans, installers, researchers, product developers over the years. Since it has been a few years, it is time for another!

If you like or love pervious concrete, if you install it, want to install it, specify it, love the look of it, hate the look of it, have to maintain it, want to learn more or want to share what you know - this event is for you!

We have opportunities for presentations, demonstrations, casual conversations, big dinner speeches, fun successes, even more exciting flops - bring it all to the West Coast Pervious Concrete Conference 2024. You are invited!

CalPoly Pomona’s Kellogg West Conference Center is the place for all things Pervious April 8 & 9, 2022

CalPoly Pomona’s Kellogg West Conference Center is the place for all things Pervious April 8 & 9, 2022

Their conference space is world class, and the pouring will be close!

Their conference space is world class, and the pouring will be close!

We at Pacific Pervious are keen to put this together, with the help from many of you in the industry. Please drop us a line, a call or an email, we would love to talk to you. We will see you in April!


The Pacific Pervious Team